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Some FAQ's About Hypnosis...

What exactly is hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a natural state of deep, physical relaxation, in which the mind remains clear, alert and focused. Hypnosis is not mind-control, brainwashing or in any way harmful or dangerous. We all naturally enter in and out of the hypnotic state, on a daily basis, without being aware of it.

Will I know what's going on around me while I'm hypnotized?
Yes. You will hear every word that the hypnotist says. Your body will be very relaxed, but your mind will remain conscious and aware the entire time. Think about it: your subconscious mind uses the same set of ears that your conscious mind hears with! How effective would it be if, once you entered the trance state, you suddenly lost all ability to hear the hypnotist's words?

How do you put people into hypnosis?
Actually, today's hypnotists generally use words, a soothing tone, mental imagery and various exercises (such as deep breathing) to induce a pleasant, comfortable state.

What does it feel like to be hypnotized?
It feels great! Hypnosis is a natural state that feels similar to that feeling you get right before you fall asleep at night. When you awaken, you feel refreshed and revitalized. Everyone who volunteers in a show has a blast!

Can everyone be hypnotized?
Yes. Anyone of at least average intelligence can be hypnotized. However, the subject must first be willing.

I volunteered in a show once, but "it didn't work on me." Why not?
If you volunteered in a hypnosis show once and were asked to step down, don't let that stop you from volunteering again. There are lots of factors that will affect your success as a show volunteer. Some people are too excited at the time to relax. Maybe the audience is big or the event is important, such as a Grad Night. Some people feel most comfortable around strangers. (It works for them at a comedy club, when they're on vacation, but not at the company Christmas party, for example.) Others feel more comfortable around friends. (Vice-versa.) I find that the level of "team spirit" at a particular corporation or school has a lot to do with whether its members feel comfortable "letting go" in front of each other. Another important factor is EXPECTATION. If you have never been formally hypnotized before, you may be expecting "fireworks." When that doesn't happen, you think, "Oh, it's not working on me," and you STOP TRYING, open your eyes and sit there waiting to be let off the stage. The people who will do well as volunteers are the people who do not expect to be transported to another realm. They understand that they will still "know what's going on" and still "hear everything the hypnotist says." They stay with it and follow the hypnotist's instructions, even when they're not sure if it's working. You cannot simultaneously BE the show and SEE the show! You have to pick one and stick with it!

How does someone wake up after hypnosis?
What if the hypnotist leaves while they're still in trance?

After hypnosis, a person awakens naturally, just as they do after sleep! It is impossible for someone to be "left in hypnosis." If the hypnotist were to leave before counting them awake, the subject would eventually realize that the session had ended and would awaken on their own. During a show or hypnotherapy session, if there were an emergency, or the subject no longer wished to participate, they could easily awaken themselves at any time and simply walk off the stage.

Can hypnosis be used for...?
"Improving my golf game?" "Helping me relax during exams?" "Curing my insomnia?" "Helping me get past my fear of public speaking?" Etc. Let's put it this way: think for a moment about any issue in your life that you'd like to improve and ask yourself, "Does my mind interact with this issue/activity in any way? Do my thoughts/beliefs affect my performance? Do my feelings contribute to my experiences in this area? Have I had past experiences that are reinforcing my beliefs/thoughts/emotions in a negative way? Is it my expectation that I will NOT get the results I desire?" Are you getting the picture? The mind, body and emotions are all connected. Therefore, I'm not aware of ANY issue that can not be at least significantly improved/relieved through the regular use of hypnosis.

Why don't more people use self-hypnosis or get hypnotherapy sessions?
Why don't more people take their vitamins? Or exercise? We KNOW what's good for us but that doesn't mean we'll do it. We're busy. Most of us barely keep up with all the stuff we feel we HAVE to do, let alone all that stuff that seems "optional." The other reason, I believe, is that hypnosis appears very simple. So simple, that when people first try it, they think it's too easy to do any good. So they stop, thinking either it doesn't work or they're not doing it right. The truth is, an activity does not need to be complex in order to be beneficial. (Consider sit-ups and flossing and tossing down those vitamin pills!) Our society is very geared toward DOING. Most of us are not comfortable with just BEING. Practice sitting quietly on a daily basis for even 5 minutes. You'll be surprised how challenging this is!

What's the difference between self-hypnosis, "guided imagery,"
"creative visualization" or meditation?

Truthfully, there's not much difference at all. I believe that the prevailing misconceptions about hypnosis have made people afraid to call the process by its rightful name--especially in the business environment. "Guided Imagery" or "Previewing" perhaps sound a little less mystical than "Self-Hypnosis." All of these processes are simply exercises to relax the body and focus the mind. The state you attain can feel the same for each--no matter what you choose to call it.

How quickly will I experience results from hypnosis?
How quickly do you WANT to see results? There's a lot of factors at work here. First, and foremost, there's your motivation level. If you're "trying" to quit smoking because your spouse has put you up to it, you're not really all that motivated yourself, now are you? My advice there: just quit wasting your time and money and be honest. There's no such thing as "trying to quit." You're either ready to be a nonsmoker or you're not. Same is true with just about anything. If your motivation level is HIGH, you'll likely experience results very quickly. If it's low, you may quit going to the hypnotherapist or stop listening to that new tape long before you see any results. Other factors that determine your success can include your comfort-level and respect for the hypnotherapist you're working with, as well as the regularity of your hypnosis sessions. Hypnosis is NOT a magic pill. Sorry. You will actually have to do some WORK along the way, such as attending your hypnotherapy sessions or listening to your self-hypnosis tape on a daily basis. If you are expecting to be "put to sleep" and awaken "never wanting to eat chocolate again," you're probably destined for disappointment. It just doesn't happen that way. On the other hand, I've encountered a fair number of nonsmokers who tell me that they stopped smoking as a result of "just one hypnosis session many years ago." I'd say that, when they had that session, "many years ago," they were what I'd call HIGHLY MOTIVATED.


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